Monday, 20 February 2012

21.7 Lessons of Rome - Part 7 - Porticos


The study of Rome through architectural themes was an excellent methodology to look at the richness and diversity of the city. It also served as an opportunity to re-examine and further clarify the basic concepts that make architecture. The themes of windows, walls, rooms, courtyards, piazzas and porticos served as the stimulators for investigation and inquiry.

The Tempieto


In a dense urban environment, the portico plays an important role as the mediator between public and private. This threshold between inside and outside can be conceived in 4 basic forms. First as a void carved into a continuous façade. Second as a piece added to the façade. Third as the whole façade itself and last as a continuous façade that wraps around the building. It may also be composed of any number of the 4 types combined.

Palazzo Massimi

Palazzo Massimi the porch is carved into the façade. The regularity of the pilasters is kept by the free standing columns.

Santa Maria della Pace

Santa Maria della Pace has the conception of the porch as an object added on the church. The semi circular form allows it to be opened up the piazza 180 degrees.


The immense scale of the Pantheon’s porch makes the continuous edge perceived as one wall of the piazza.


The Tempieto has a continuous porch which continuously wraps the building.

San Clemente
San Clemente has a series of 2 porches in its main entry sequence. First the portico that faces the street is a single element that attaches to the front wall. The second portico is the continuous arcade which ia a façade to the courtyard.

Reprinted from
Bertram Wong
7 September 1982
USC Summer Program in Rome
(all sketches copyright Bertram Wong, no reproduction without permission)

See Also 12.0 “Spaces In Between” - Essential Elements in Urban Development

Part 6 - Piazzas
Part 7 - Porticos
Part 8 - Conclusions

Jiwa Studio
Singapore, February 2012

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